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Moreno Baldivieso is internationally recognized, year after year, as a leading firm in commercial and investment arbitration.

About practice

Moreno Baldivieso is internationally recognized, year after year, as a leading firm in commercial and investment arbitration.

Our dispute resolution lawyers have received their education in Bolivia and abroad, often both. Being fluent in different arbitration rules–including ICSID, ICC, UNCITRAL and CIAC–allows them to move freely about local and international jurisdictions. Language-wise, our team dominates Spanish, English and French. During recent years, our arbitration team has represented the majority of foreign investors whose assets were expropriated by the Bolivian government in the energy, telecommunications, mining and hydrocarbon sectors.

Application areas

  • Investment arbitration.
  • International commercial arbitration.
  • Local (Bolivian) arbitration.
  • Recognition and execution of foreign arbitration awards.
  • Emergency arbitration.




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