Ramiro Moreno Baldivieso

Ramiro Moreno Baldivieso

Senior Partner Contact

Ramiro Moreno Baldivieso

Practice areas

  • Corporate Law and M&A
  • Banking, Finance and Capital Markets
  • Intellectual Property
  • Arbitration
  • Energy and Natural Resources
Andrés Moreno Gutierrez

Andrés Moreno

Partner Contact

Andrés Moreno

Practice areas

  • Corporate Law and M&A
  • Banking, Finance and Capital Markets
  • Insurance and Reinsurance
  • Arbitration
  • Energy and Natural Resources
Luis F. Moreno Gutierrez

Luis Moreno

Partner Contact

Luis Moreno

Practice areas

  • Corporate Law and M&A
  • International Trade and Customs Law
  • Fintech, Innovation & New Technologies
  • Agribusiness
  • Startups & Venture Capital
Miguel Angel Jemio M.

Miguel Angel Jemio

Partner Contact

Miguel Angel Jemio

Practice areas

  • Corporate Law and M&A
  • Banking, Finance and Capital Markets
  • Administrative and Regulatory Law
  • Energy and Natural Resources
  • Telecommunications
Delfor Zapata Avendaño

Delfor Zapata

Partner Contact

Delfor Zapata

Practice areas

  • Administrative and Regulatory Law
  • Energy and Natural Resources
  • Labor Law and Social Security
  • Disputes
  • Real Estate Law
José Paul Aramayo Salinas

Paul Aramayo

Partner Contact

Paul Aramayo

Practice areas

  • Administrative and Regulatory Law
  • Labor Law and Social Security
  • Disputes
  • Agribusiness
René Claure Veizaga

René Claure

Partner Contact

René Claure

Practice areas

  • Corporate Law and M&A
  • Banking, Finance and Capital Markets
  • Insurance and Reinsurance
  • Arbitration
  • Life Sciences and Health Records
  • Labor Law and Social Security
Daniel Arredondo Zelada

Daniel Arredondo

Partner Contact

Daniel Arredondo

Practice areas

  • Corporate Law and M&A
  • Administrative and Regulatory Law
  • Arbitration
  • Energy and Natural Resources
René Cuellar Miranda

René Cuellar

Partner Contact

René Cuellar

Practice areas

  • Corporate Law and M&A
  • Construction and Engineering
  • Projects and Infrastructure
  • Real Estate Law
  • Agribusiness
Rodrigo Moreno Gutierrez

Rodrigo Moreno

Partner Contact

Rodrigo Moreno

Practice areas

  • Intellectual Property
  • Fintech, Innovation & New Technologies
  • Startups & Venture Capital
Teddy Mercado Carrión

Teddy Mercado

Partner Contact

Teddy Mercado

Practice areas

  • Corporate Law and M&A
  • Banking, Finance and Capital Markets
  • Arbitration
  • Fintech, Innovation & New Technologies
  • Startups & Venture Capital
Natalio Eduardo Zegarra Ribera

Natalio Zegarra

Associate Director Contact

Natalio Zegarra

Practice areas

  • Banking, Finance and Capital Markets
  • Labor Law and Social Security
  • Disputes
Carlos Merino Troche

Carlos Merino

Counsel Contact

Carlos Merino

Practice areas

  • Banking, Finance and Capital Markets
  • Real Estate Law
  • Administrative and Regulatory Law
E. Rodrigo Burgos Fernandez

Rodrigo Burgos

Counsel Contact

Rodrigo Burgos

Practice areas

  • Tax Law
  • Projects and Infrastructure
Luis Valda Yanguas

Luis Valda Yanguas

Counsel Contact

Luis Valda Yanguas

Practice areas

  • Tax Law
  • Corporate Law and M&A
  • Banking, Finance and Capital Markets
Fernando Sanchez Peña Von Nagy

Fernando Sanchez Peña

Senior Associate Contact

Fernando Sanchez Peña

Practice areas

  • Corporate Law and M&A
  • Life Sciences and Health Records
  • Administrative and Regulatory Law
  • Labor Law and Social Security
Juan Pablo Zegada Arteaga

Juan Pablo Zegada

Senior Associate Contact

Juan Pablo Zegada

Practice areas

  • Energy and Natural Resources
  • Disputes
  • Construction and Engineering
  • Labor Law and Social Security
Ronald Lazarte Zeballos

Ronald Lazarte

Senior Associate Contact

Ronald Lazarte

Practice areas

  • Intellectual Property
Álvaro Araoz

Álvaro Araoz

Senior Associate Contact

Álvaro Araoz

Practice areas

  • Corporate Law and M&A
  • Banking, Finance and Capital Markets
  • Real Estate Law
  • Construction and Engineering
  • Labor Law and Social Security
  • Disputes
Fernando Landa

Fernando Landa

Senior Associate Contact

Fernando Landa

Practice areas

  • Corporate Law and M&A
  • Banking, Finance and Capital Markets
  • Administrative and Regulatory Law
  • Energy and Natural Resources
Inés Arely Ayala Roca

Inés Ayala

Senior Associate Contact

Inés Ayala

Practice areas

  • Corporate Law and M&A
  • Environmental Law
  • International Trade and Customs Law
  • Labor Law and Social Security
  • Administrative and Regulatory Law
Moisés Marco Blanco Iturri

Moisés Blanco

Associate Senior Contact

Moisés Blanco

Practice areas

  • Tax Law
  • Administrative and Regulatory Law
Ronald Cortez

Ronald Cortez

Senior Associate Contact

Ronald Cortez

Practice areas

  • Intellectual Property

Vladimir Hurtado

Senior Associate Contact

Vladimir Hurtado

Practice areas

  • Corporate Law and M&A
  • Intellectual Property
  • Arbitration
  • Disputes
  • Agribusiness
Pamela Muñoz Alipaz

Pamela Muñoz Alipaz

Associate Contact

Pamela Muñoz Alipaz

Practice areas

  • Corporate Law and M&A
  • Banking, Finance and Capital Markets
  • Arbitration
  • Insurance and Reinsurance
Ariel Zeballos Alaby

Ariel Zeballos

Associate Contact

Ariel Zeballos

Practice areas

  • Administrative and Regulatory Law
  • Labor Law and Social Security
  • Disputes
  • Real Estate Law
Juan Pablo Cruz Barrios

Juan Pablo Cruz

Associate Contact

Juan Pablo Cruz

Practice areas

  • Administrative and Regulatory Law
  • Labor Law and Social Security
  • Disputes
  • Real Estate Law
Magaly Condori

Magaly Condori

Associate Contact

Magaly Condori

Practice areas

  • Labor Law and Social Security
  • Immigration Law
  • Real Estate Law
  • Tax Law
Rosalía Soliz Soto

Rosalía Soliz

Associate Contact

Rosalía Soliz

Practice areas

  • Corporate Law and M&A
  • Administrative and Regulatory Law
  • Energy and Natural Resources
  • Labor Law and Social Security
Luis Gutierrez Antelo

Luis Gutierrez

Associate Contact

Luis Gutierrez

Practice areas

  • Administrative and Regulatory Law
  • Immigration Law
  • Disputes
  • Life Sciences and Health Records
David Cuellar Franco

David Cuellar

Associate Contact

David Cuellar

Practice areas

  • Corporate Law and M&A
  • International Trade and Customs Law
  • Environmental Law
Gregorio Huaranca Mamani

Gregorio Huaranca

Associate Contact

Gregorio Huaranca

Practice areas

  • Labor Law and Social Security
  • Immigration Law
  • Disputes
Sarah Mendoza

Sarah Mendoza

Associate Contact

Sarah Mendoza

Practice areas

  • Corporate Law and M&A
  • Administrative and Regulatory Law
  • Telecommunications
Christian Ariel Triveño Cossio

Ariel Triveño

Associate Contact

Ariel Triveño

Practice areas

  • Administrative and Regulatory Law
  • Immigration Law
  • Environmental Law
  • Life Sciences and Health Records
  • Labor Law and Social Security
Paula Daniela Rocabado Resamano

Paula Rocabado

Associate Contact

Paula Rocabado

Practice areas

  • Corporate Law and M&A
  • Administrative and Regulatory Law
  • Labor Law and Social Security
Pamela Minaya Jallasi

Pamela Minaya

Associate Contact

Pamela Minaya

Practice areas

  • Administrative and Regulatory Law
  • Life Sciences and Health Records
Jose María Navarro Velasquez

José María Navarro

Associate Contact

José María Navarro

Practice areas

  • Corporate Law and M&A
  • Energy and Natural Resources
  • Construction and Engineering
  • Life Sciences and Health Records
Pamela Muñoz Alipaz

Pamela Muñoz

Associate Contact

Pamela Muñoz

Practice areas

  • Corporate Law and M&A
  • Banking, Finance and Capital Markets
  • Insurance and Reinsurance
  • Arbitration
Liliana Bonilla

Liliana Bonilla

Associate Contact

Liliana Bonilla

Practice areas

  • Corporate Law and M&A
  • Administrative and Regulatory Law
Ruth Canaza

Ruth Canaza

Associate Contact

Ruth Canaza

Practice areas

  • Corporate Law and M&A
  • Labor Law and Social Security
  • Environmental Law
Shirley López Espinoza

Shirley López

Associate Contact

Shirley López

Practice areas

  • Intellectual Property
Teresa Carrasco Suárez

Teresa Carrasco

Associate Contact

Teresa Carrasco

Practice areas

  • Corporate Law and M&A
  • Immigration Law
  • Disputes
Noelia Sanjinés Badani

Noelia Sanjinés

Associate Contact

Noelia Sanjinés

Practice areas

  • Corporate Law and M&A
  • Insurance and Reinsurance
  • International Trade and Customs Law
  • Labor Law and Social Security
Lilian Rodríguez

Lilian Rodríguez

Associate Contact

Lilian Rodríguez

Practice areas

  • Corporate Law and M&A
  • Insurance and Reinsurance
  • Telecommunications
  • Labor Law and Social Security
Rafaela Mondacca

Rafaela Mondacca

Associate Contact

Rafaela Mondacca

Practice areas

  • Corporate Law and M&A
  • Administrative and Regulatory Law
  • International Trade and Customs Law
Carla Paz

Carla Paz

Associate Contact

Carla Paz

Practice areas

  • Corporate Law and M&A
  • Administrative and Regulatory Law
Sebastian Aguilera

Sebastian Aguilera

Associate Contact

Sebastian Aguilera

Practice areas

  • Corporate Law and M&A
  • Administrative and Regulatory Law
  • International Trade and Customs Law
André Tejerina Queiroz

André Tejerina

Associate Contact

André Tejerina

Practice areas

  • Corporate Law and M&A
  • International Trade and Customs Law
  • Environmental Law
  • Fintech, Innovation & New Technologies
  • Agribusiness
Miguel Quezada

Miguel Quezada

Associate Contact

Miguel Quezada

Practice areas

  • Corporate Law and M&A
  • Banking, Finance and Capital Markets
  • Administrative and Regulatory Law
Juan Diego Cuellar

Juan Diego Cuellar

Associate Contact

Juan Diego Cuellar

Practice areas

  • Corporate Law and M&A
  • Insurance and Reinsurance
  • International Trade and Customs Law
  • Arbitration
Héctor Colque

Héctor Colque

Associate Contact

Héctor Colque

Practice areas

  • Corporate Law and M&A
  • Labor Law and Social Security
  • Real Estate Law
Camila Kaegui

Camila Kaegui

Associate Contact

Camila Kaegui

Practice areas

  • Corporate Law and M&A
  • Banking, Finance and Capital Markets
  • Insurance and Reinsurance
  • Startups & Venture Capital
  • Fintech, Innovation & New Technologies
Andrés Pardo

Andrés Pardo

Associate Contact

Andrés Pardo

Practice areas

  • Corporate Law and M&A
  • Banking, Finance and Capital Markets
  • Administrative and Regulatory Law
  • Insurance and Reinsurance
  • International Trade and Customs Law
  • Arbitration
  • Energy and Natural Resources
  • Labor Law and Social Security
  • Immigration Law
  • Environmental Law
  • Real Estate Law
Erick Fuentes

Erick Fuentes

Associate Contact

Erick Fuentes

Practice areas

  • Corporate Law and M&A
  • Banking, Finance and Capital Markets
  • Administrative and Regulatory Law
  • Insurance and Reinsurance
  • International Trade and Customs Law
  • Arbitration
  • Energy and Natural Resources
  • Labor Law and Social Security
  • Immigration Law
  • Environmental Law
  • Real Estate Law
Melvin Quisbert Lee

Melvin Quisbert Lee

Associate Contact

Melvin Quisbert Lee

Practice areas

  • Administrative and Regulatory Law
  • Corporate Law and M&A
  • Telecommunications
  • Labor Law and Social Security
Valeria Roca

Valeria Roca

Associate Contact

Valeria Roca

Practice areas

  • Corporate Law and M&A
  • Real Estate Law
  • International Trade and Customs Law
Luis Durán

Luis Durán

Associate Contact

Luis Durán

Practice areas

  • Intellectual Property