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Our program

Moreno Baldivieso acknowledges the importance of practicing law in favor of vulnerable sectors and minorities so that they have access to adequate legal advice and access to justice. For this reason, our Pro Bono Program is directed by an Internal Committee specially dedicated to this purpose, and responsible for internally coordinating the work of the team to meet this objective, maintaining our quality service and personalized dedication that distinguishes us.

Commitment with the society

  • We work to create and foster an environment that encourages the team to provide legal services to disadvantaged and underserved groups and individuals in Bolivia.
  • We encourage our team to dedicate time, effort and energy through volunteering.
  • We create a culture towards service, where our professionals can have a door to collaborate with society, with their experience and knowledge.
  • Actively participate with sectors/groups in vulnerable situations such as children, youth, women, music, art.

Our Allies


René Cuellar Miranda

René Cuellar

Partner Contact

René Cuellar

Practice areas

  • Corporate Law and M&A
  • Construction and Engineering
  • Projects and Infrastructure
  • Real Estate Law
  • Agribusiness